Since Jeong Se Ho PD is more senior, it is believed that Kim Jong Seung listens well to Jeong Se Ho PD. Then, Lee Mi Sook contact Jeong Se Ho PD, who was believed to have a closed senior-junior relationship with Kim Jong Seung. Kim Jong Seung who found out about the contract breach tried to warn Lee Mi Sook, saying he will bring this up to the court. And here’s where all the problem started.

Here we can clearly noted that Lee Mi Sook has breached the contract, whether she did it intentionally or unintentionally. Lee Mi Sook moved to Yoo Jang Ho’s new agency and signing the contract with him dated on January 2009, even though her contract with her previous agency should be ended on December 2009. On the first part of the posting, we were looking back to one week before Jang Ja Yeon’s suicide, but on this second part, we will be looking back to three months before Jang Ja Yeon’s suicide. Nothing seems wrong, unless Lee Mi Sook’s contract with her previous agency (Kim Jong Seung’s company) was not over yet when she moved to the new agency opened by Yoo Jang Ho, in other words Lee Mi Sook breached the contract with her previous agency. Things started when Yoo Jang Ho (Ja Yeon’s ex-manager) moved out from Kim Jong Seung’s (Ja Yeon’s ex-boss) company and started his own talent agency, which recruited Lee Mi Sook to move to his new talent agency. If we’re not too focus on Jang Ja Yeon, and yet turn a little bit our attention to Lee Mi Sook, who is one of Ja Yeon’s senior in her talent agency, then maybe we might be able to get a clearer light on what’s actually going on.